Have you ever been persuaded to go out with your friends on the night before you had to be up early for something important? And you promise yourself you'll only have two drinks because you refuse to have a hangover for said important thing? But then someone buys a round of shots and your thoughts turn into something along the lines of "What's one more drink?"
Yeah, we've all been there. But one Iowa State University professor might have made the best cure for a hangover yet — vodka.
Okay, hear me out. This new vodka, called IngeniOz, is supposed to be the first 100 percent pure vodka on the market. Johannes Van Leeuwen is a professor of bioengineering at Iowa State and developed the distilling process, which happens right here in Iowa.
My brother and I actually met Van Leeuwen when I was a freshman, so I was very excited to pick up a bottle for his Christmas present and one for Adam and me to share. We were all anxious to try it out.

I tried it first in a simple vodka cranberry with Sprite, and it was so smooth — better than any vodka I've had before. Adam likes it with this blue Monster (above), which is also pretty good. Recently we tried something a little fancier with cosmopolitans. (Recipe at the end.)
I haven't had the opportunity to put the no-hangover concept to the test yet — you can see we still have more than half the bottle left since we opened it before Christmas. But I will say that I loved how straight, clear and smooth it tastes. It's perfect for mixing drinks, and I think it will be a permanent feature of my home bar :)
(Makes two drinks)
3 oz vodka
1 1/2 oz Triple sec
1 1/2 oz cranberry juice
1/2 oz fresh lime juice
Lime wedges
Add vodka, Triple sec, cranberry juice, lime juice and ice to a cocktail shaker and shake vigorously. Pour into martini glass and add lime wedge for garnish. Sip and enjoy!
Do you have any special drink recipes using vodka? Have you tried IngeniOz yet?
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