Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Instagram roundup No. 5

Ok, seriously — where did June even go?! I feel like it JUST started, but nope, the 4th of July has already come and gone... With so many things going on, this summer is really flying. Now I'm trying to schedule time to do all the things Adam and I still have left on our summer bucket list! But I can't say this summer hasn't been a pretty great one so far, because we have done a lot already. First up: the Ed Sheeran concert last month. We had pretty much the worst seats possible (literally seated in the last row of the highest section in the back corner!), but it was still so great. Ed is a musical boss. If you have the chance to see him live, take it!

This is the manicure I wore to the concert, and I still love it. You all know I've been a little obsessed with the Jamberry nail wraps lately, but can you blame me? These striped ones are adorable and go with every single nail color.

Adam and I went to our first comic con a few weeks ago, and I just love this photo I got with Lou Ferrigno (aka the Hulk). I gave a copy of it to my dad for Father's Day, plus one that I photoshopped him into, and he absolutely loved it. Comic con was so much cooler than I expected, and I'd love to go back next year!

My kitchen is somewhat under construction right now because my mom is moving all of her stuff out and I am moving all of my stuff in (the countdown begins!). In short, it's a mess and cooking is pretty much not an option right now. Luckily this yummy fruit dip I made a while ago only involves a few ingredients and a bowl to mix them in! I've been craving it ever since I wrote this post, so I might just have to whip some up again this week ;)

My uncle is a Polaris dealer and recently got a few of these new toys in stock. They're called Polaris Slingshots and they're half convertible, half motorcycle — but all awesome! My dad took me for a ride when I was home for Father's Day and it was the coolest thing! Now if only I could get him to bring one home...

When SCOTUS ruled in favor of marriage equality last month, my heart was so happy. #loveislove

I went to my first bachelorette party to for one of my beautiful new friends a couple weekends ago. It was so much fun and the perfect excuse to dress up. I hope to do an outfit post soon on the brand new LBD I bought especially for the occasion because it's to die for.

Adam took me to get Tropical Sno after a movie last week (we saw Inside Out and it was amazing!) and honestly it was one of my favorite dates that we've ever had. It was super simple and laid back, but we just had so much fun. Check the story on Instagram to see why :)

Since I'm going to be wearing a strapless champagne-colored dress for my mom's wedding in August, I've been trying to get a little color whenever I'm outside — without getting tan lines on my shoulders. I only had one strapless bikini, so obviously I had to change that! I found this fun tropical print top at Target for less than $20 and had to buy it. Also, I just started reading Me, Earl and the Dying Girl on a friend's recommendation — have you read it yet? What did you think?

Like I mentioned yesterday, our 4th of July weekend was a little hectic. Luckily, time always seems to slow down a little when my family gets together, so Adam and I had a great time hanging out at our reunion on Saturday. There is never a dull moment with my family. Case in point: this year's party theme was American Ninja Warrior — complete with obstacle course.

Be still, my heart. I. LOVE. This. Desk. I bought it a few months ago at Target but couldn't set it up until my mom moved her furniture out of my bedroom. The time has finally come, and the transformation is really starting to take shape. I've already changed it from this photo, and more is yet to come in the next couple weeks, so be sure to stay tuned!

Thanks for reading, and be sure to follow me on Instagram to keep up with all the fun!

P.S. Instagram roundups No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4

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