Monday, June 29, 2015

An easy way to work out anywhere

It seems weird to do a workout post on a Monday — the hardest of all days to work out, if you ask me — but since we're in the midst of wedding and bikini seasons, I figured now's the time to do it! Plus, I started a new workout regimen a couple weeks ago, and I'm really happy with the progress I've made and my ability to (mostly) stick to it. The hard part with working out in the summer for many people is finding time to do it while traveling or even on vacation, so I wanted to share a new exercise trick I've picked up recently to solve that problem.

I came across this trick while I was looking for new workouts one day a while back. Caitlin of Southern Curls and Pearls wrote about using a deck of cards to create a new and random workout routine every time — so you won't get bored even if you do it several days in a row! Just pick an exercise for each number and go through the deck, performing each one as its corresponding card comes up. Smart, right?

I decided to give it a try recently since I've been dying to work out, but I'm still slightly limited as to what I can do after my foot surgery. (So far, my workouts have ranged from weight lifting to walks to at-home workouts like this one.) This way I can do all the exercises I like (and that won't bother my foot) and still get a good sweat. I created a list of the workouts and card numbers on my phone so I didn't forget or do the wrong ones, which was really helpful. It's turned out to be the perfect compromise for when I want to work out but don't have access to the gym. And it's fun because you never know what's coming next :)

What are your favorite workout routines? Do you have any tips for getting a good workout at home? I'd love to hear them!

P.S. healthy water bottles, the Express One Eleven collection and what kind of workout shoes do you wear?

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