
Well, hello there! My name is Eleni. Pronounced like the middle of the word "miscellaneous" — hence the name of this blog. I started miscelenious in September 2014 because I'd been wanting to break into the fascinating world of blogging for several years, but really had no idea what I was doing. Sometimes I still feel that way, but it's amazing how far I've come and how much this blog has grown. miscelenious is a lifestyle blog that offers a wide range of content — hence the name, once again. My favorite categories are style and relationships, though I've always had a hardy appetite and a love for entertainment and places both near and far — although so far those mostly consist of near.

Growing up in a small town called Tama, I always dreamed of growing up and moving to the city. Right now I'm settled in a suburb of Des Moines, which I absolutely love. Other things that make me happy: sunny weather, red wine, puppies, Audrey Hepburn movies, online shopping, Mumford and Sons, Friday nights out with my friends and Dancing With The Stars.

In December 2014 I graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in journalism and a minor in English, so I guess you could say I like to write. Scratch that, I love to write. I've been writing for as long as I can remember. Short stories, poetry, lots and lots of lists. That's the other reason I started this blog: I wanted to share my writing with anyone who would read it, and there's nothing quite like the Internet for that. Since starting miscelenious, I've also become interested in web design, graphic design and photography.

Blogging has been a great learning experience for me, and I hope what you read here helps you learn a thing or two as well. If you'd like to get in touch, work with me or ask me a question, you can do that here.

I hope you've enjoyed getting to know me a little better, and I hope you stay here a while. You can also follow the fun on Instagram, where I spend far too much of my time. Don't be shy with the comments, because I love reading what you have to say, too!

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