Thursday, September 10, 2015

5 apps I use every day

5 of the apps that help my productivity daily.

I'm not a big collector of apps. I like to keep my iPhone clean, so if I download an app and don't use it, it's gone. I have very few apps on my phone that I don't use regularly, and most of them are ones that I actually use on a day-to-day basis. I love reading about apps that other people swear by, so that's why I wanted to share a few of my favorites today.

Wunderlist. I don’t think I could live without Wunderlist. Okay, that sounds a bit dramatic, but for a major list-maker like myself, it is a necessity. What I love most about Wunderlist is that it syncs between devices, so I can update it on my phone or my computer. I can also add multiple lists and group them together, and it even lets you star important items and set due dates and reminders. It’s meets all my OCD list requirements.

Latergramme. I mentioned Latergramme as one of my favoritetools for blogging, and it still holds true. I use it daily to schedule my Instagram photos, which is essential for me because even if I have planned photos to upload throughout the day, it never fails that I forget to post them while I’m at work or an event. Latergramme allows me to choose my photo, write a caption and do all my hashtags, then it pushes a reminder at the time you schedule it. I don’t know what I’d do without it — except probably have a very empty Instagram feed!

Dropbox. I’ve had a Dropbox account for years without really using it all that much. Now that I take approximately a million pictures every day for my blog, Instagram and just to remember all the cool things that happen in life, Dropbox has become one of my favorite tools. My phone storage fills up quickly with all my photos, but rather than buying a storage card I just move most of them over to Dropbox — that way I can access them anytime from my phone or any computer. It’s really helpful for staying organized.

Snapseed. I don’t do a ton of photo editing, but when I do need to, I use Snapseed almost exclusively. I use it mainly to crop or lighten images, and it’s been a lifesaver for editing images I take without optimal lighting (I know — the cardinal sin of photography!). It’s really simple and user-friendly.

Over. This is one of the few apps I’ve actually purchased, but I’m really glad I did. I use Over to create text photos to Instagram occasionally, but the majority of what I use it for is a “style diary.” I try to take photos of my outfits every day (at least every work day) so I remember what I wore on what day. It has stopped me from wearing the same dress in one week multiple times! I use Over to put the date on each photo so I can scroll through it like a little library.

What apps do you use every day? 

P.S. my most-used blogging tools and 5 blogs to help you become a better blogger 

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