Thursday, May 7, 2015

5 blogs to help you become a better blogger

When it comes to blogging, I don't think anyone knows absolutely everything there is to know about it. Even the best bloggers can still learn something new. When I started, I had no idea what I was doing. I searched Pinterest and Google to find articles, tutorials and other blog posts that could help me do different things — anything from coding to creating my own social media buttons.

That's why I think it's really helpful to follow other blogs that share those kinds of tips and tricks, because blogging isn't a competition. We're all trying to make our blogs the best they can be, in our own unique ways, and it's nice when we can help one another to do that. I don't know what I would have done without these resources, which is why I'm sharing some of my favorite blogs for finding tutorials, helpful hints and just plain good advice.

1. The Wonder Forest. Dana Fox is a designer/blogger/business owner/creator who offers an array of content on her personal blog. As a web designer, she knows a lot about creating a successful blog, and you can even purchase complete templates that she's created here. Dana has created a few different businesses, so she really knows her stuff. She also offers online courses — I'm taking one called "Get Noticed" right now and it's really good.

2. by Regina. For anything business-related, by Regina is a great resource to have in your arsenal. Regina is a successful entrepreneur/blogger/girlboss who shares tons of advice for anyone looking to grow their blog, business and/or brand. She's extremely smart and she's funny, so her posts are educational and fun.

3. I Can Build a Blog. This is another blog created by Dana of The Wonder Forest. This blog's purpose is to help other people become successful bloggers, and it offers all sorts of blog-related tips and how-to's. She posts anything from HTML cheat sheets to places to find free stock photos.

4. A Southern Drawl. If you recognize this name, you're probably thinking, "that's a fashion blog, what is she talking about?" But hear me out: Aside from her lovely outfits, Grace also posts photography tips written by her boyfriend Andrew. These are everything from shooting indoors to buying the right lenses to using the right aperture. He really knows his stuff, so if you ever have a question about anything camera-related, I'm sure you can find the answer here.

5. Sweet Electric. Even though it's a beauty and lifestyle blog, Sweet Electric offers a lot of great tips for bloggers as well. Knowing that everyone is different, Zoe offers up advice that has worked for her and that she things could be helpful to others. She also has good beauty posts, which is always fun :)

I hope this post helps you find a few new resources to up your blogging game, or maybe even inspired you to take the plunge if you've been thinking about starting a blog.

What are your favorite blogging resources? I'd love to hear what you've found useful!

For more tips, you can follow my Pinterest board where I Pin all kinds of blogging-related articles.

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