Thursday, March 19, 2015

Quinoa with shrimp and veggies

Last night Adam came over for a quiet date night at my apartment, and since we've both been trying to be healthier I decided to make quinoa for dinner. I haven't used quinoa for a year, and I'd forgotten how easy it is to make. I used a recipe that I sort of made up last year when I wanted quinoa and didn't want to go to the store, so I threw together a bunch of ingredients I already had in my kitchen.

For this recipe, I used plain white quinoa, baby shrimp, shelled edamame, shredded carrots and garlic powder. It's super-simple, but really tasty and healthy! The hardest part for me was not eating all the edamame while the quinoa cooked ;)

Here's what you need (it made about 4-6 servings):
1 cup quinoa
2 cups water
1/2 cup shredded carrots (or chopped)
1-2 cups edamame
2 cups baby shrimp
garlic powder to taste

First, thaw out the shrimp for about 30 minutes to an hour, until they get soft. Then prepare the quinoa according to the directions on the package. When the quinoa is almost done, put the shrimp, edamame and carrots in a saucepan on very low heat. Once the quinoa is ready, add it to the saucepan and stir in garlic powder to taste. Stir everything together and keep it on low heat for about 5-10 minutes until the vegetables and shrimp are warm enough. Then dish it up and enjoy!

I didn't make any side dishes with ours because it's actually very filling; Adam and I didn't even finish our bowls. I love this meal because it takes less than 30 minutes to make, plus it's really tasty :)

What are your favorite quinoa recipes? 

P.S. Fool-proof baking and roasted garlic alfredo tortellini


  1. Mmm quinoa and edamame is such a tasty combo! Lately I've been enjoying red quinoa. It's pretty much the same but I like the color it adds to the plate, and it has a bit of a nuttier flavor.

    x Kathryn
    Through the Thicket

  2. Yum! I've tried a few different flavor packets from the health section at Hy-Vee, but I don't think I've had red quinoa before. I'll have to give it a try next time :)


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